Sunday 25 January 2009

Talents you never thought you had

As Dal and I took another carload of crap possessions to our new house, I made the comment to Dal that I was amazed at how much stuff he managed to fit into the car.

"It's almost as if the car has a black hole that keeps sucking the stuff away.  And then it spews it back out when we need it."

Dal said he too was amazed at his new found talent of packing the car to the hilt.  He attributes this talent to the fact that he now has a child.  Before the child - no talent.  After the child - talent.

I said, "just like my ability to ignore children.  Every child used to annoy me, now I am able to tune them out completely.  Especially LQ."

I would like to find out if anyone else has a new talent since having children...


Cajoh said...

I think Dal has the amazing talent of packing more stuff in less space than is humanly possible. Perhaps he took a night class on packing and stacking while you weren't looking.

Unknown said...

Yes, Helen, I have developed the talent of not loading my sassy teenagers into a giant, Monty Python-esque catapult and hurling them into the next county. That's a wonderful gift, let me tell you!

Sounds like the move is progressing nicely. Try to stay cool! (Every time you complain about your 40 degree days, my first thought is, "Well, it's 40 here in Vegas - at night - and I'm freezing!" Gotta keep that whole metric system in my head!)

screamish said...

My new talents...gong without sleep for days at a time...going to the toilet with a small baby on one shoulder...looking almost sexy in tracksuit pants...reading babies' minds....completely blocking out anything that happens in the outside world ....

DeNAE has it right..being pushed to the limits of human endurance and managing not to catapult your own child out the immense achievement.....

Hel said...

CaJoh - I did have that sneaky suspicion that Dal had taken classes. Or maybe he has been channeling Mary Poppins

DeNae, I would think that hurling your teenagers would be a talent people would pay to see. maybe you can work on that one. Start your own circus. I can assure you mothers would come from all over the world to watch, they even bring their own offspring for you to hurl.

Oh Screamish - I just checked out your profile and saw that you have twins! I applaud ALL your efforts and think that if you are managing to still look sexy in your tracksuit pants then you are doing better than me.

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